Anthony Ryan Plumbing Ltd has been providing plumbing and heating services at Harbour Place Shopping Centre, Mullingar since 2009. During our long association, we have found their service to be prompt, reliable and professional at all times. They have a wealth of knowledge pertinent to their role on-site, coupled with a keen understanding of the sensitivities with respect to working in a busy retail environment. ARP Ltd has, in this time, adopted a proactive, rather than reactive, approach to this facet of our facilities maintenance schedule, often raising issues with us before they become problematic. I would have absolutely no hesitation in recommending ARP as a specialist supplier of a single purpose contract. Harbour Place is part of Savills Ireland’s nationwide property management portfolio. Savills have a responsibility to clients when procuring services to ensure all service providers are authorised to carry out works. ARP Ltd is vetted as a Savills ‘Preferred Supplier’ and meets our compliance requirements for Health, Safety & Risk management.